The main API endpoint displays the API documentation and forms the base URL for the 5 other endpoints: https://iso3166-updates.com/api

The other endpoints available in the API are:

Below are some example usage of the API and the above endpoints, utilising the Python Requests library.

Get all ISO 3166 updates for all countries and years

Return all the latest and historic ISO 3166 updates data for all available countries and publication years, using the /api/all endpoint.

import requests

base_url = "https://www.iso3166-updates.com/api/"
all_data = requests.get(base_url + "all").json()

all_data["AD"] #updates data for Andorra
all_data["DJ"] #updates data for Djibouti
all_data["IE"] #updates data for Ireland
all_data["PW"] #updates data for Palau


$ curl -i https://www.iso3166-updates.com/api/all

Get all ISO 3166 updates for a country using its ISO 3166-1 alpha code (alpha-2, alpha-3, numeric)

Return all the latest and historic ISO 3166 updates data for 1 or more countries, using their ISO 3166-1 2 letter alpha-2, 3 letter alpha-3 or numeric country codes and the /api/alpha endpoint. The endpoint also accepts a comma separated list of multiple alpha country codes.

For example, France (FR,FRA,250), Germany (DE,DEU,276) and Hungary (HU,HUN,348):

import requests

base_url = "https://www.iso3166-updates.com/api/"

#FR - France
input_alpha = "FR"
fr_updates_data = requests.get(base_url + f'/alpha/{input_alpha}').json()

#DEU - Germany
input_alpha = "DEU"
de_updates_data = requests.get(base_url + f'/alpha/{input_alpha}').json()

#348 - Hungary
hu_updates_data = "348"
hu_updates_data = requests.get(base_url + f'/alpha/{input_alpha}').json()


$ curl -i https://www.iso3166-updates.com/api/alpha/FR
$ curl -i https://www.iso3166-updates.com/api/alpha/DEU
$ curl -i https://www.iso3166-updates.com/api/alpha/348
$ curl -i https://www.iso3166-updates.com/api/alpha/FR,DEU,348

This endpoint can also be used in conjunction with the /api/year and /api/months endpoints.

Get all ISO 3166 updates for a country using its country name

Return all the latest and historic ISO 3166 updates data for 1 or more countries, using their ISO 3166-1 country name, as it is most commonly known in English, and the /api/name endpoint. The endpoint also accepts a comma separated list of multiple country names.

For example, Tajikistan (TJ,TJK,762), Seychelles (SC,SYC,690) and Uganda (UG,UGA,800):

import requests

base_url = "https://iso3166-updates.com/api/"

input_name = "Tajikistan"
tajikistan_updates_data = requests.get(base_url + f'name/{input_name}').json()

input_name = "Seychelles"
seychelles_updates_data = requests.get(base_url + f'name/{input_name}').json()

request_url = base_url + f"name/{input_name}"
uganda_updates_data = requests.get(base_url + f'name/{input_name}').json()


$ curl -i https://iso3166-updates.com/api/name/Tajikistan
$ curl -i https://iso3166-updates.com/api/name/Seychelles
$ curl -i https://iso3166-updates.com/api/name/Uganda
$ curl -i https://iso3166-updates.com/api/name/Tajikistan,Seychelles,Uganda

Get all ISO 3166 updates from a year or list of years

Return all the ISO 3166 updates data that were published in a specific year or list of years, using the /api/year endpoint. The endpoint can also accept a comma separated list of years.

For example, 2004 and 2007:

import requests

base_url = "https://iso3166-updates.com/api/"

input_year = "2004"
request_url = base_url + f"year/{input_year}"
_2004_updates = requests.get(request_url).json()

input_year = "2007"
request_url = base_url + f"year/{input_year}"
_2007_updates = requests.get(request_url).json()

input_year = "2004,2007"
request_url = base_url + f"year/{input_year}"
_2004_2007_updates = requests.get(request_url).json()


$ curl -i https://iso3166-updates.com/api/year/2004
$ curl -i https://iso3166-updates.com/api/year/2007
$ curl -i https://iso3166-updates.com/api/year/2004,2007

Get all ISO 3166 updates from a year range

Return all the ISO 3166 updates data that were published within a specific year range, using the /api/year endpoint.

For example, 2009-2015 and 2001-2008:

import requests

base_url = "https://iso3166-updates.com/api/"

input_year = "2009-2015"
request_url = base_url + f"year/{input_year}"
_2009_2015_updates = requests.get(request_url).json()

input_year = "2001-2008"
request_url = base_url + f"year/{input_year}"
_2001_2008_updates = requests.get(request_url).json()


$ curl -i https://iso3166-updates.com/api/year/2009-2015
$ curl -i https://iso3166-updates.com/api/year/2001-2008

Get all ISO 3166 updates greater than or less than a year

Return all ISO 3166 updates for an input country that were published less than or greater than an input year using the /api/year endpoint.

For example, <2010 and >2012:

import requests

base_url = "https://iso3166-updates.com/api/"

input_year = "<2010"
request_url = base_url + f"/year/{input_year}"
lt_2010 = requests.get(request_url).json()

input_year = ">2012"
request_url = base_url + f"/year/{input_year}"
gt_2012 = requests.get(request_url).json()


$ curl -i https://iso3166-updates.com/api/alpha/year/<2010
$ curl -i https://iso3166-updates.com/api/alpha/year/>2012

Get all ISO 3166 updates for a country and year, list of years, year range or greater than or less than a year

Return all ISO 3166 updates for an input country that were published in a year, list of years, year range or greater than or less than a specified year, using the endpoint /api/alpha/{input_alpha}/year/{input_year} or /api/year/{input_year}/alpha/{input_alpha}.

For example, Andorra for 2007, Argentina for 2010, 2015, 2017, Bulgaria 2003-2008 and Ecuador for <2019:

import requests

base_url = "https://iso3166-updates.com/api/"

#Andorra - 2007
input_alpha = "AD"
input_year = "2007"

request_url = base_url + f"alpha/{input_alpha}/year/{input_year}"
ad_2007 = requests.get(request_url).json()

#Argentina 2010, 2015, 2017
input_alpha = "AR"
input_year = "2010, 2015, 2017"

request_url = base_url + f"alpha/{input_alpha}/year/{input_year}"
ar_2010_2015_2017 = requests.get(request_url).json()

#Bulgaria - 2003-2008
input_alpha = "BG"
input_year = "2003-2008"

request_url = base_url + f"alpha/{input_alpha}/year/{input_year}"
bg_2003_2008 = requests.get(request_url).json()

#Ecuador - <2019
input_alpha = "EC"
input_year = "<2019"

request_url = base_url + f"alpha/{input_alpha}/year/{input_year}"
ec_lt_2019 = requests.get(request_url).json()


$ curl -i https://iso3166-updates.com/api/alpha/AD/year/2007
$ curl -i https://iso3166-updates.com/api/alpha/AR/year/2010,2015,2017
$ curl -i https://iso3166-updates.com/api/alpha/BG/year/2003-2008
$ curl -i https://iso3166-updates.com/api/alpha/EC/year/<2019

Get all ISO 3166 updates for all countries from the previous months or month range

Returning all available country’s ISO 3166 updates data that were published within the previous input number of months or within a specified month range using the /api/months endpoint.

For example, publication dates within the past 6 months or within the past 60-72 months:

import requests

base_url = "https://iso3166-updates.com/api/"

#past 6 months
input_month = "6"
request_url = base_url + f"months/{input_month}"
months_6 = requests.get(request_url).json()

#past 60-72 months
input_month = "60-72"
request_url = base_url + f"months/{input_month}"
months_60_72 = requests.get(request_url).json()


$ curl -i https://iso3166-updates.com/api/months/6
$ curl -i https://iso3166-updates.com/api/months/60-72

Get all ISO 3166 updates for a country from the previous months or month range

Returning all ISO 3166 updates data for a specific country or list of countries that were published within the previous input number of months or within a specified month range using the /api/months endpoint.

For example, publication dates within the past 9 months or within the past 12-36 months, for GR and IE:

import requests

base_url = "https://iso3166-updates.com/api/"

#past 9 months for Greece
input_month = "9"
input_alpha = "GR"

request_url = base_url + f"months/{input_month}/alpha/{input_alpha}"
gr_9_months = requests.get(request_url).json()

#past 12-36 months for Ireland
input_month = "12-36"
input_alpha = "GR"

request_url = base_url + f"months/{input_month}"
ie_12_36_months = requests.get(request_url).json()


$ curl -i https://iso3166-updates.com/api/months/9/alpha/GR
$ curl -i https://iso3166-updates.com/api/alpha/ie/months/12-36


A demo of the software and API is available here.