

To use iso3166-updates, firstly install via pip:

pip install iso3166-updates

Get all ISO 3166 updates for all countries and years

Return all the latest and historic ISO 3166 updates data for all available countries and publication years. You will need to firstly create an instance of the ISO3166_Updates class and then access the all attribute object instance. You can then access an individual country’s ISO 3166 updates data by passing in the sought ISO 3166-1 2 letter alpha-2, 3 letter alpha-3 or numeric country code.

from iso3166_updates import *

#create instance of ISO3166_Updates class
iso = ISO3166_Updates()

#get all data from 'all' attribute of class
all_updates_data = iso.all

all_updates_data["AD"] #all updates data for Andorra
all_updates_data["DZ"] #all updates data for Algeria
all_updates_data["TUV"] #all updates data for Tuvalu
all_updates_data["YEM"] #all updates data for Yemen
all_updates_data["704"] #all updates data for Vietnam

Get all ISO 3166 updates for a country using its ISO 3166-1 alpha code (alpha-2, alpha-3, numeric)

Return all the latest and historic ISO 3166 updates data for 1 or more countries, using the country’s ISO 3166-1 alpha-2, alpha-3 or numeric codes. You firstly need to create an instance of the ISO3166_Updates class and then pass in the sought ISO 3166-1 codes. You can also return multiple country’s data by passing in a comma separated list of country codes.

For example, Egypt (EG, EGY, 818), Jordan (JO, JOR, 400) and Bosnia (BA, BIH, 070):

from iso3166_updates import *

#create instance of ISO3166_Updates class
iso = ISO3166_Updates()

eg_updates = iso["EG"] #EGY, 818
jo_updates = iso["JOR"] #JO, 400
ba_updates = iso["070"] #BA, BIH

#all of the above updates can be returned to the same variable
eg_jo_ba_updates = iso["EG, JOR, 070"]

You can also pass in the sought country code or country codes to the object instantiation using the country_code input parameter, if only their updates are required from the dataset. This allows for memory to be saved and for all updates data to not be unnecessarily imported on object initialisation.

For example, if only Sao Tome & Principe’s (ST, STP, 678) updates data is needed:

from iso3166_updates import *

#create instance of ISO3166_Updates class
iso_st = ISO3166_Updates(country_code="ST")

Get all ISO 3166 updates from a year or list of years

Return all the ISO 3166 updates data from a specific year or list of years, using the year() function within an object instance of the ISO3166_Updates class, passing in the required years as parameters.

For example, 2009 and (2001,2004,2019):

from iso3166_updates import *

#create instance of ISO3166_Updates class
iso = ISO3166_Updates()

#get all updates for 2009

#get all updates for 2001, 2004, 2019
iso.year("2001, 2004, 2019")

Get all ISO 3166 updates from a year range

Return all the ISO 3166 updates data from a specific year range, using the year() function within an object instance of the ISO3166_Updates class, passing in the required year range as parameter.

For example, 2010-2015 and 2001-2005:

from iso3166_updates import *

#create instance of ISO3166_Updates class
iso = ISO3166_Updates()

#get all updates between 2010-2015

#get all updates between 2001-2005

Get all ISO 3166 updates greater than or less than a year

Return all the ISO 3166 updates data that are greater than or less than a specific year, using the year() function within an object instance of the ISO3166_Updates class, passing in the required year as parameter.

For example, <2020 and >2022:

from iso3166_updates import *

#create instance of ISO3166_Updates class
iso = ISO3166_Updates()

#get all updates with year less than 2020

#get all updates with year greater than or equal to 2022

Get all ISO 3166 updates from the previous number of months or month range

Return all the ISO 3166 updates data published over the past number of months or over a specified month range, using the months() function within an object instance of the ISO3166_Updates class, passing in the required months or month range as parameters.

For example, 12 and 36-48 months:

from iso3166_updates import *

#create instance of ISO3166_Updates class
iso = ISO3166_Updates()

#get all updates from the past 12 months

#get all updates from the past 36-48 months